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Hearing Loss > Signs & Symptoms

Signs of Hearing Loss

Cell phones ringing, people chatting, dogs barking, traffic rumbling, birds chirping — there’s so much going on. We might not notice that we have hearing loss until it starts to affect our lifestyles.


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How do you know if you have hearing loss?

It’s important to take a moment and simply listen to the world around you.

Our brains identify and interpret different sounds and focus on what we want to hear. It can instantly recognize the voice of a loved one or allows you to quietly read a book without recognizing the background sounds. Despite the sounds being constantly on, it’s our brains that decide which and when to switch on and off.

Sometimes, it doesn’t work that way. Our brains might not identify a sound because our ears cannot hear it in the first place.

Ask yourself these questions… and answer them truthfully!

  1. Do you have to turn the volume up on the television?

  2. Do you hear, but necessarily understand what others are saying?

  3. Do you have trouble following conversations in busy places?

  4. Do you often ask people to repeat sentences?

If you’ve answered yes to one or more of the above questions, take the next step and be evaluated by our Hearing Care Professionals.

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